8 Nov 2010

Heading for the Hills

Having got back to an emotional reception at the airport after five weeks away from Suzanne (actually the reception was slightly delayed as a result of her being stopped by the ever vigilant Guardia Civil) it has been back to Spain for me and the opportunity to explore the area further.  We have been out in the mountains with the Costa Blanca Mountain Walkers - a group of mostly retired Brits who love nothing better than yomping around the countryside usually followed by a few beers (at astoundingly cheap prices because as well as meticulously researching the waking trails, they have also found all the cheapest bars in the region).

The best walk so far has been the route around the Castell de Castells area which starts at over 500 metres above see level and reaches nearly 1100 at the highest point.  The truly panoramic views are astounding such that the pictures can't really do it justice, but here are a couple just the same.

As a contrast to these well organised walks, today I led the intrepid Suzanne on an attempt to find the track which the herd of sheep and goats take going past our house.  As those of you who have been here know it is pretty overgrown and consequently the wife is now sporting more than a few scratches!  She looked a bit unimpressed at times as we hacked through the undergrowth, which is worse than I experienced in Cameroon, but we made it back in time for a hard-earned and (if I say so myself) beautifully cooked omelette.

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