10 Jan 2011

A Fond Farewell and a Warm Welcome

After a relaxing last day in Santiago eight of us went out for a farewell dinner organised by Yvette at a large place which has dancing from various parts of Chile. An excellent MC introduced the acts while running through an impressive range of jackets of various lengths, cuts and colours.

The stage retracts so that when the dancers have finished the professional bit there is room for them to dance with some suitable victims from the tables.  With Strictly Come Dancing style audience participation on the cards and being sat at the table of nearest the dance-floor we knew we were in the firing line so it was heads down and hope for the best.

I ordered the poor man's steak which was a large sirloin served with lots of chips, caramelised onions and two fried eggs. About 80% of the way through and beginning to feel rather full I was whisked onto the dance-floor to perform with a handful of other unfortunates. I have to say I was concentrating more on keeping my dinner down than where I was putting my feet but I think I did ok. Fortunately it happened at such speed that few photos exist (Su took a nice close up of my knee and a couple of shots of other people).

Following the main performance the MC led his band through renditions of old Chilean favourites which got most people on their feet but didn't mean much to us. Imagine a Chilean at the English equivalent and not being familiar with the Birdie Song or Agadoo...

However before long they switched to 70s disco music and Su was in her element, proving to be our group's most tireless dancer. Returning home at 230am wasn't perfect preparation for a 24 hour journey back but it was nevertheless a good night all round and an excellent way to say farewell to Chile and South America after five weeks.
Su, Yvette, Jay, Claudia & Gustavo on the floor
The 13.5 hour flight from Santiago was only 45 minutes late but that was enough to miss our connection. Iberia blamed everyone but themselves and offered us a new flight a mere nine hours later. Fortunately we got on a standby flight instead and arrived just two hours late, having called Sally to rearrange the cab that she had booked for us to take us to her and Keith's place for the night.

On walking through customs I thought the driver holding our name board looked very like Keith. It was Keith...and Sally!  It was fantastic to see them and to be collected. It was really nice of them and made our day after a long journey. We have been looked after very well by friends on both sides of the world.

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