7 Apr 2011

Home from Home

San Sebastian is our last stop before crossing the border into France. It is nice - very nice and is the sort of place one could get used to. We are staying at the Hotel of London and of England which faces the beach and is essentially like the Grand in Brighton transferred to Spain, given a beautiful curve of sandy beach, some green hills and a few degrees of extra warmth. This is what Victorian English resorts would be like now if the weather had been better and cheap flights to the Med had never been invented.

This is where the well-heeled from Madrid head for summer and as a resort it has a lot more class than the more modern beach towns on the east and south  coasts that have grown up in the last fifty years.  It is also a lot more expensive but no one looks that bothered. The beach was very busy today as people took advantage of the blisteringly hot weather that has arrived a couple of months early. 26 degrees in the shade in the first week of April meant our activities were restricted to eating seafood and walking and sitting on the beach - fortunately things that, with practice, we are getting pretty good at!

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