9 Mar 2011

Over the Halfway Line

Today, March 9 is Day 176 of the 351 Days of our career break and we went for a walk on La Marjal (the rice fields below Monte Pego) where we first hit on the idea of a year off.  We reflected on the highs and lows of the last few months - here is a summary of what we said:
View across La Marjal
Su: So what have been the highlights for you?

Paul: From a travel perspective the 2 weeks from leaving Rio, passing through Iguazu Falls, Buenos Aires, the Glaciers of Argentinian Patagonia and of course staying at Torres del Paine, Chile.  If I had to pick a single memorable view it would be the Perito Moreno Glacier but my favourite place was San Telmo in Buenos Aires and the Sunday evening listening to and watching the samba band and the tango dancing.  The atmosphere was fantastic. Spending time with Dad and being able to be together so much has also been great and that was a major objective of this whole thing.  And for you?

S: Similar highlights from a travel perspective - I would say my favourite was the walking and the views at Torres del Paine.  But also just the experience of travelling is so stimulating - meeting new people and experiencing different cultures.  We've made some new friends from various parts of the world and learned a lot about the history of the places we have visited.  Spending time in Cameroon was very different from past trips and much more relaxing.  Obviously reaching the summit of Mount Cameroon was a special moment too! 

P: Yes but Mount Cameroon also had its moments! Which brings me to the other side of the last few months, the low points.  What would you say they have been?

S: Well, there were a couple of moments when I thought we would never make it too the summit and staying at Hut 2 was grim.  Hearing of Rob's death was clearly another low point, as was the trip back for the service in that miserable weather.   

P: Being apart for 5 weeks when I went to Cameroon was difficult and I wouldn't plan to do that again either, although I got a lot out of the trip.  I think, despite our friends here, in the last couple of months especially we have started to miss friends and family in England too.  Don't miss the weather though!  And the next few months?

S: I'm really looking forward to the Peru and Galapagos trip in April/May and to travelling around Spain a bit more.  We have a couple of trips back to London so it will be great to see people and we have a few visitors booked in to come here too.  Warmer weather will also soon be on the way and we've got to do some more thinking about what comes next from September onwards.

P: Which is a whole other story, no doubt requiring several more walks on the beach and Marjal! Lucky we still have 175 more days to go...

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