15 Nov 2010


We have just treated ourselves to a restful day in the sun at home, walking on the beach and reading on the balcony, recovering after a brief, hectic and emotional return to England. 

The main motivation for the trip was to attend the memorial service near Coventry for our friend Rob who died suddenly a couple of weeks ago but we managed to fit in a few more visits while there.  Having arrived on a cold and wet thursday afternoon I made it to Charlton to see my sister Silo before we spent the evening with my oldest friend Lee in Croydon.  Having stayed the night in my home town for the first time in nearly 15 years we travelled to Coventry where we stayed overnight before heading back to London for Sally's 40th birthday on saturday.  We were back at Gatwick by 1030 on the sunday morning! 

The church in Bubbenhall near Coventry was packed on friday afternoon for the service to celebrate Rob's life and there were some superb and fitting tributes to him and much laughter as well as tears.  I'm glad we made it back to support Kate along with a number of our old friends from Warwick University.  We don't see each other as much as we would like but these events have of course made us all appreciate even more the value of friendship and time spent together.

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